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Another Great Fishing Trip!

Well the annual week long Lake Erie trip is in the books and what a success! I absolutely love fishing those waters and it never gets old catching those big walleyes that Lake Erie produces. Cody Maeder was on his first journey to Lake Erie and ended up catching and getting a stringer mount done with three walleyes being 32". Absolutely had a great time with a great group of guys and look forward to next year already!

Now its back to the waters of Lake Winnebago and Green Bay. From the reports I have been hearing and the recent AIM Tournament results it looks like the walleye bite is tough right now on Winnebago. Due to the warm water temps in the marshes the larger females have not made there way back into the main system from the spawning grounds. I would have to predict that they will be returning very soon in the next week or two. I will be pulling flies mostly on the river in Oshkosh to target these larger walleyes.

My first Bago Walleye Club tournament is May 7th out of Winneconnie. Looking forward to the start of tournament fishing and hoping to post some good results!

Tight Lines!

Capt Scott

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